Source code for nufeb_tools.plot

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import cv2

[docs]def colorFaderRGB(c1, c2, n): """fade (linear interpolate) from color c1 (at mix=0) to c2 (mix=1) Args: c1 (str): Starting color c2 (str): Ending color n (int): Number of gradations Returns: list(tuple): List containing tuples of RGB colors """ mix = np.linspace(0, 1, n + 1) c1 = np.array(mpl.colors.to_rgb(c1)) c2 = np.array(mpl.colors.to_rgb(c2)) cols = list() for i in range(n): cols.append(tuple((((1 - mix[i]) * c1 + mix[i] * c2) * 256).astype("int"))) return cols
[docs]def overall_growth(df, ax=None, **kwargs): """ This is a function to generate growth curve plots Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas Dataframe containing biomass data over time ax ( Axis to plot data on **kwargs """ Biomass = df ax.plot(Biomass.iloc[:, 1], label="S. elongatus", color="#2ca25f") ax.plot(Biomass.iloc[:, 2], label="E. coli", color="#de2d26") ax.set_xlabel("Time (hours)") ax.set_ylabel("Biomass (fg)") ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.legend(frameon=False) ax.set_yscale("log") return ax
[docs]def average_nutrients(df, nutrient, ax=None, legend=None, **kwargs): """ This is a function to plot the nutrient concentration over time Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas Dataframe containing nutrient data nutrient (str): Name of the nutrient to plot, e.g., ``'Sucrose'`` ax: Axis on which to make the plot legend (bool): Include legend in the plot **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to plt.plot """ sns.set_context("talk") sns.set_style("white") avgc = df ax = ax or plt.gca() if nutrient == "Sucrose": ax.plot(avgc.iloc[:, 1], label="Sucrose", **kwargs) elif nutrient == "CO2": ax.plot(avgc.iloc[:, 2], label="CO2", **kwargs) elif nutrient == "O2": ax.plot(avgc.iloc[:, 0], label="O2", **kwargs) else: print("No nutrient specified") ax.set_xlabel("Time (hours)") ax.set_ylabel("Concentration (mM)") ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) if legend: ax.legend(frameon=False) return ax
[docs]def biomass_time(df, id=None, ax=None, legend=None, **kwargs): """ This is a function to plot the cell biomass over time Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas Dataframe containing biomass data ax: Axis on which to make the plot legend (bool): Include legend in the plot **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to plt.plot """ ax = ax or plt.gca() # plot cell size vs time if not id: print("No cell ID specified") else: data = df[df.ID == id].reset_index() if data.type.unique()[0] == 1: ax.plot(data.time, data.biomass, color="#2ca25f") elif data.type.unique()[0] == 2: ax.plot(data.time, data.biomass, color="#de2d26") else: ax.plot(data.time, data.biomass, color="k") for line in find_peaks(data.biomass): ax.vlines( data.time[line], data.biomass.min(), data.biomass.max() * 1.1, color="#bdbdbd", ls=":", ) ax.set_xlabel("Time (hours)") ax.set_ylabel("Biomass (fg)") ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) sns.despine() if legend: ax.legend(frameon=False) return ax
[docs]def growth_curve_panel(df, **kwargs): """ Make growth curves panel with all cells Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas Dataframe containing biomass data **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to plt.plot """ rows = round(np.sqrt(len(df.ID.unique()))) cols = int(np.ceil(len(df.ID.unique()) / rows)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, sharex=True, figsize=(14, 8)) axs = axes.ravel() for i in df.ID.unique(): celltype = df[(df.ID == i) & (df.time == 0)].type.values[0] if celltype == 1: color = "#2ca25f" elif celltype == 2: color = "#de2d26" elif celltype == 0: print("Celltype is 0", i, celltype) axs[i - 1].plot(df[(df.ID == i)].biomass.values, c=color) # axs[i].set_title(f['type']['0'][c]) for ax in axs: ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) ax.set_axis_off() return fig
[docs]def growth_rate_div(df, **kwargs): """ Plot a heatmap of the single cell growth rates relative to each division Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas Dataframe containing biomass data **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to plt.plot """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(14, 7)) celltypes = df.type.unique() celltypes.sort() for ct in celltypes: divs = pd.DataFrame(columns=["ID", "Division", "Rate"]) cells = df.ID.unique() # cells.sort() for cell in cells: data = df[(df.ID == cell) & (df.type == ct)].reset_index() pks, _ = find_peaks(data.biomass) p0 = 0 for i, p1 in enumerate(pks): # plt.plot(data.time[p0:p1],data.diameter[p0:p1]) # dt = data.time[p1] - data.time[p0] dy = data.biomass[p1] - data.biomass[p0] dydt = dy / dt divs = divs.append( pd.DataFrame( [[cell, i + 1, dydt]], columns=["ID", "Division", "Rate"] ), ignore_index=True, ) # print(dydt) p0 = p1 + 1 # plot cell id vs division rate over time piv = divs.pivot_table(index="ID", columns="Division", values="Rate") g = sns.heatmap(piv, cmap="coolwarm", ax=axes[ct - 1]) cbar = g.collections[0].colorbar"Growth rate ($\frac{fg}{hr}$)") axes[0].set_title("S. elongatus") axes[1].set_title("E. coli") fig.tight_layout() return
[docs]def growth_rate_time(df, period=3): """ Plot a heatmap of the single cell growth rates over time Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas Dataframe containing biomass data period (int): Number of timesteps to average growth rate calculation over **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to plt.plot Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure """ periods = period df["rate"] = df.diff(periods=periods).biomass / df.diff(periods=periods).time df["rate"][df.rate < 0] = 0 sns.set_context("talk") df.time = df.time.round(1) fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(14, 7)) celltypes = df.type.unique() celltypes.sort() for ct in celltypes: rates = df[df.type == ct][["ID", "time", "rate"]] # plot cell id vs division rate over time piv = rates.pivot_table(index="ID", columns="time", values="rate") g = sns.heatmap(piv, cmap="coolwarm", ax=axes[ct - 1]) cbar = g.collections[0].colorbar"Growth rate ($\frac{fg}{hr}$)") # axes[ct-1].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5)) axes[ct - 1].set_xticklabels(axes[ct - 1].get_xticklabels(), rotation=0) axes[ct - 1].locator_params(axis="x", nbins=6) axes[ct - 1].set_xlabel("Time (hrs)") axes[0].set_title("S. elongatus") axes[1].set_title("E. coli") fig.tight_layout() return
[docs]def get_growth_intervals(dataframe, cellID): df = dataframe[dataframe.ID == cellID].reset_index(drop=True) biomass = df.biomass time = df.time pks = find_peaks(biomass)[0] intervals = list() for i in range(len(pks) + 1): if i == 0: intervals.append([df.index[0], pks[0] + 1]) elif i < len(pks): intervals.append([pks[i - 1] + 1, pks[i] + 1]) else: intervals.append([pks[i - 1] + 1, df.index[-1]]) def func(t, y0, mu): return y0 * np.exp(t * mu) cell_type = df.type.unique()[0] mu = list() for interval in intervals: y0 = df.iloc[interval[0], 3] t = np.linspace(df.iloc[interval[0], 2], df.iloc[interval[1], 2], 1000) t_measured = df.iloc[interval[0] : interval[1], 2] biomass_measured = df.iloc[interval[0] : interval[1], 3] popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, t_measured, biomass_measured) plt.plot( df.iloc[interval[0] : interval[1], 2], df.iloc[interval[0] : interval[1], 3] ) plt.plot(t_measured, func(t_measured, *popt), ls="--") mu.append(round(popt[1], 4)) return mu
[docs]def growth_rate_mu(df, **kwargs): """ Plot a heatmap of the single cell growth rates relative to each division Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Pandas Dataframe containing biomass data **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to plt.plot """ def func(t, y0, mu): return y0 * np.exp(t * mu) celltypes = df.type.unique() celltypes.sort() fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(14, 7)) for ct in celltypes: divs = pd.DataFrame(columns=["ID", "division", "rate"]) cells = df[df.type == ct].ID.unique() cells.sort() for cell in cells: data = df[(df.ID == cell) & (df.type == ct)].reset_index(drop=True) pks, _ = find_peaks(data.biomass) intervals = list() for i in range(len(pks) + 1): if i == 0: intervals.append([data.index[0], pks[0] + 1]) elif i < len(pks): intervals.append([pks[i - 1] + 1, pks[i] + 1]) else: intervals.append([pks[i - 1] + 1, data.index[-1]]) for i, interval in enumerate(intervals): y0 = data.iloc[interval[0], 3] t = np.linspace( data.iloc[interval[0], 2], data.iloc[interval[1], 2], 1000 ) t_measured = data.iloc[interval[0] : interval[1], 2] biomass_measured = data.iloc[interval[0] : interval[1], 3] if len(biomass_measured) > 4: popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, t_measured, biomass_measured) # print(round(popt[1],4)) divs = divs.append( pd.DataFrame( [[cell, i + 1, round(popt[1], 4)]], columns=["ID", "division", "mu"], ), ignore_index=True, ) # plot cell id vs division rate over time # plot cell id vs division rate over time piv = divs.pivot_table(index="ID", columns="division", values="mu") g = sns.heatmap(piv, cmap="coolwarm", ax=axes[ct - 1]) cbar = g.collections[0].colorbar"Growth rate ($\frac{1}{hr}$)") axes[0].set_title("S. elongatus") axes[1].set_title("E. coli") fig.tight_layout() return
[docs]def colony( obj, time, colors=None, colony=None, ax=None, by=None, img=np.array([]), fitness=None, overlay=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot bacterial colonies at a specific timepoint Args: obj (nufeb_tools.utils.get_data): Object containing cell locations time (int): Simulation timestep to plot colors (dict, optional): Dictionary of colors to plot each colony. Defaults to random. colony (int, optional): Plot a specific colony. Defaults to None. ax (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional): Axis to plot on. Defaults to None. by (str, optional): Plot by species. Defaults to None. img (np.array, optional): Image array to overlay colonies onto. fitness (pandas.DataFrame,optional): Takes a dataframe containing spatial metrics data as an input or if bool, will calculate the metrics internally. Defaults to None. overlay (bool, optional): If True, plot a specific colony on top of the others. """ if not hasattr(obj, "colonies"): obj.get_mothers() df = obj.colonies ax = ax or plt.gca() timepoint = time dims = obj.metadata["Dimensions"] if img.size == 0: px_per_micron = 20 img_size = [ int(px_per_micron * dims[1] * 1e6), int(px_per_micron * dims[0] * 1e6), ] bk = 255 * np.ones(shape=[img_size[0], img_size[1], 3], dtype=np.uint8) else: img_size = img.shape[:2] bk = img if by == "Species" or by == "species" or by == "type": if fitness is True: fitness = obj.colonies colors = dict() IDs1 = ( df[["mother_cell", "total_biomass"]] .dropna() .loc[df.type == 1] .sort_values(by=["total_biomass"], ascending=False) .reset_index(drop=True) .mother_cell.unique() ) cya = colorFaderRGB("#01665e", "#c7eae5", len(IDs1)) colors.update({id: cya[i] for i, id in enumerate(IDs1)}) IDs2 = ( df[["mother_cell", "total_biomass"]] .dropna() .loc[df.type == 2] .sort_values(by=["total_biomass"], ascending=False) .reset_index(drop=True) .mother_cell.unique() ) ecw = colorFaderRGB("#8c510a", "#f6e8c3", len(IDs2)) colors.update({id: ecw[i] for i, id in enumerate(IDs2)}) tp = df[df.Timestep == timepoint] circles = [ bk, center=( round(x * 1e6 * px_per_micron), round(y * 1e6 * px_per_micron), ), radius=round(radius * 1e6 * px_per_micron), color=( int(colors[cell][0]), int(colors[cell][1]), int(colors[cell][2]), ), thickness=-1, ) for x, y, radius, cell in zip(tp.x, tp.y, tp.radius, tp.mother_cell) ] if isinstance(fitness, pd.DataFrame): # mark center of E. coli colonies tp = df.loc[(df.Timestep == 0) & (df.type == 2)] circles = [ bk, center=( round(x * 1e6 * px_per_micron), round(y * 1e6 * px_per_micron), ), radius=round(radius * 1e6 * px_per_micron), color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=-1, ) for x, y, radius, cell in zip(tp.x, tp.y, tp.radius, tp.mother_cell) ] fit_list = ( fitness.sort_values(by=["total_biomass"], ascending=False) .loc[fitness.type == 2] .reset_index(drop=True)["mother_cell"] .to_numpy() ) fit_dict = {x: str(list(fit_list).index(x) + 1) for x in fit_list} text = [ cv2.putText( bk, fit_dict[cell], org=( round(x * 1e6 * px_per_micron * 0.95), round(y * 1e6 * px_per_micron * 0.99), ), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=2, ) for x, y, cell in zip(tp.x, tp.y, tp.mother_cell) ] else: colors = dict() IDs1 = np.sort(df.loc[df.type == 1].mother_cell.unique()) cya = colorFaderRGB("#01665e", "#c7eae5", len(IDs1)) colors.update({i + 1: cya[i] for i, _ in enumerate(IDs1)}) IDs2 = np.sort(df.loc[df.type == 2].mother_cell.unique()) ecw = colorFaderRGB("#8c510a", "#f6e8c3", len(IDs2)) colors.update({i + len(IDs1) + 1: ecw[i] for i, _ in enumerate(IDs2)}) tp = df[df.Timestep == timepoint] circles = [ bk, center=( round(x * 1e6 * px_per_micron), round(y * 1e6 * px_per_micron), ), radius=round(radius * 1e6 * px_per_micron), color=( int(colors[cell][0]), int(colors[cell][1]), int(colors[cell][2]), ), thickness=-1, ) for x, y, radius, cell in zip(tp.x, tp.y, tp.radius, tp.mother_cell) ] elif colony == None and by == None: if colors == None: IDs = np.sort(df[df.mother_cell != -1].mother_cell.unique()) colors = {x: tuple(np.random.randint(0, 255, 3).astype("int")) for x in IDs} tp = df[df.Timestep == timepoint] circles = [ bk, center=(round(x * 1e6 * px_per_micron), round(y * 1e6 * px_per_micron)), radius=round(radius * 1e6 * px_per_micron), color=( int(colors[cell][0]), int(colors[cell][1]), int(colors[cell][2]), ), thickness=-1, ) for x, y, radius, cell in zip(tp.x, tp.y, tp.radius, tp.mother_cell) ] elif colony != None: if colors == None: colors = tuple(np.random.randint(0, 255, 3).astype("int")) color = colors if overlay is True: colors = dict() IDs1 = np.sort(df.loc[df.type == 1].mother_cell.unique()) cya = colorFaderRGB("#01665e", "#c7eae5", len(IDs1)) colors.update({i + 1: cya[i] for i, _ in enumerate(IDs1)}) IDs2 = np.sort(df.loc[df.type == 2].mother_cell.unique()) ecw = colorFaderRGB("#8c510a", "#f6e8c3", len(IDs2)) colors.update({i + len(IDs1) + 1: ecw[i] for i, _ in enumerate(IDs2)}) tp = df[df.Timestep == timepoint] circles = [ bk, center=( round(x * 1e6 * px_per_micron), round(y * 1e6 * px_per_micron), ), radius=round(radius * 1e6 * px_per_micron), color=( int(colors[cell][0]), int(colors[cell][1]), int(colors[cell][2]), ), thickness=-1, ) for x, y, radius, cell in zip(tp.x, tp.y, tp.radius, tp.mother_cell) ] tp = df[(df.Timestep == timepoint) & (df.mother_cell == colony)] circles = [ bk, center=(round(x * 1e6 * px_per_micron), round(y * 1e6 * px_per_micron)), radius=round(radius * 1e6 * px_per_micron), color=(int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])), thickness=-1, ) for x, y, radius, cell in zip(tp.x, tp.y, tp.radius, tp.mother_cell) ] ax.imshow(bk) ax.axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) return bk